September 22, 2024

Dennis D. opened the meeting at 1:03 pm
12 Traditions read by Roy W.
12 Concepts read by Sedona
Monthly Concept read by Tiffy
New GSRs: Mike H Tuesday Paradise Book study
Visitors: None
Clean Time Anniversaries: Kevin K. 4yrs., Dennis M. 16yrs.,and Sedona 6yrs.
Announcements: None

ASC Chair Dennis D.: Hey guys, not much to report this month. I was unable to
attend the guidelines task working group this month as I was traveling. I made
it to Unity Day yesterday and it was a great fun event. Thanks Activities for
putting it on.
ASC Vice Chair: OPEN
ASC Treasure Sara N.: Prudent Savings $1400.00
Operating Balance $2715.45
Bills Going Out $1710.03

ASC Vice Treasure Bob B.: No Report
ASC Literature Chair Kevin K.: There will be no changes to the order forms
ASC Vice Literature Chair Jesse J.: No Report
ASC Archivist Robert P.: Nothing to Report
ASC Activities Pam: Unity went well yesterday. Our final meeting for unity day
is September 26th at 6pm located at Round Table Pizza on Pillsbury Rd. We will
have final numbers from this event at our Next scheduled Area meeting on
October 27th at 10 Cordallia Ln. in Oroville at 1pm. I want to confirm that
all of our numbers are correct and true to both areas. A special thanks to
both River Cities and GBANA committees for unity day. Thanks for letting me be
of service.
ASC Public Relations Sedona: The Recovery Happens booth went well. We still
have Veterans Stand Down coming up Thursday 10/24 thru Saturday 10/26. Minutes
are listed on the website. GSR report forms are on the website as well , I
will try to get a better version. Jail apps are still in limbo. We could
always use volunteers for rehab secretaries. Call Lisa S. if interested for
skyway house on Mondays, Salvation Army on Tuesdays And Pallet Shelter on
Thursdays all at 7pm.
ASC Tac Liaison Angie: Nothing much to report other than I brought the
registration trifolds for all GSRs to take back to your groups. Also, Tac
Hospitality Committee is having a 12×12 Spaghetti Lunch 12 speakers x 12
steps! Saturday November 2nd at 11:30 pre-sale tickets $10. 14th st. between I
and J First Presbyterian Church, Eureka contact Stacy (708)273-0950 or Meg
Ride for Recovery Liaison Tracy H.: Absent
ASC Task Working Group Dennis M: Meeting called to order: 1:30 PM, September
8, 2024.
Attendees: Dennis M. (Chair), Kevin K., Robert P., James U., Virginia W.,
Davey A.

  1. Report ASC Aug mtg
  2. Tasks
    ○ A. Begin Revision Process
    ○ B. Discussion


  1. Discussion
    ○ A. Abbreviations/Contents Pages to be completed after main body
    revisions completed.
    ○ B. Abbreviations will be those expressly used in content. Total
    description first time used in content with Parenthesized
    ○ C. Proceed line by line through document.
    ○ D. Each recommendation for revision to be decided by unanimous
    consent by the committee.

Progress Update: We are making good progress in the two-hour sessions
scheduled. All decisions are made by unanimous consent. We will submit our
recommended revisions upon completion of the task. We will keep the ASC
informed of progress and aim to have a completed document for review early
next year. We appreciate the service body’s patience and thoroughness.
Thank you: Thank you for allowing us to serve.
Next meeting: October 13, 1:30 PM @ CNA Hall

Chico Narcotics Anonymous Jerimiah K.: Sunday 7pm meeting needs a secretary.
October 26th Halloween Dance 1184 East Ave. Hope Commons Church at 5pm to
10:30pm. Thinking about doing a bingo and gratitude dinner (no info. yet). Cna
moved business meetings up one week in Nov. and Dec.
Peace in the Pines (in-person) Brandi S.: Absent
Peace in the Pines Women’s (online) Carolyn P.: Amazing Recovery and women
please join us.
It Works How and Why Realeen A.: Meeting growing and going good

Foothill Na Roy W.: We meet in the back of the fellowship hall now and still
needs support, but we are doing ok!
HPONA Karissa M.: meetings are going okay, can still use support. Birthday
night next Saturday can really use support. Halloween Dance Oct. 25th at 7:30.
Thanksgiving marathon meetings from 9am to 7pm dinner at 1-2. Secretaries are
needed Saturday 12pm also Monday, Friday, and Saturday 6pm.
Members Only Julia K.: Our group welcomed a new secretary in September. We
would like to thank Les M. for being of service in this role over a year. Our
group is now looking for a trusted servant to act as our treasure. We continue
to have a rotating format with a speaker meeting the last wednesday of the
month for our birthday night.
Bidwell Tracy H.: Nothing new to report. Thank you for allowing me to be here
Home Sweet Home Satrina W.: Meeting still needs support. The Flag was placed
at the hall. We are still in need of support.
Paradise Monday Night Tiffy S.: Meetings are going very well. We are changing
dessert night, we will now have finger food and desserts. Nibble Night this
food and fellowship takes place the 3rd monday of the month at 6pm.The group
has tasked me with asking what is the breakdown of our budget? Is there still
$3000.00 in reserve and do we still need that much? Also, does ASC donate to
both Region and World? Could we get clarification please? Thank you for
allowing me to be of service.
Tuesday Book Study Mike H.: The book study has grown from 3-4 people to 15
plus. We have a very in depth discussion on the literature we are reading. We
will be wrapping up the basic text in 4 weeks. We will start over after that
which gives anyone the opportunity to go there to read the basic text from
start to finish in a group setting.
Meeting was let out for break at 1:55pm
Meeting called back to order at 2:15 with Serenity Prayer
Minutes have been approved with amendment

Meeting Minutes have been put on the GBANA website along with GSR reports.

Robert P. asked if we want to bring signed sheets back and have an extra one
signed to put into the archive. We would like to keep track and start it back
up at annual events to keep for record of those events.
Mike H suggested we could use poster board to use as a different option and it
would store better.
A suggestion was we could start with a couple of events and put out a sheet
and poster board to see how it goes.
An alternative archive will be bringing poster boards to events so people can
sign them and the archive will start to store those to keep a record.
Satrina asked the group for any donations because Home Sweet Home is in
desperate need of support. They need literature to help hold meetings because
right now they are only able to use literature if a member happens to bring
their own book.
It was brought up that a meeting should be fully self supporting. However we
should give them a fair shot and help support them. A hat was passed around
for donations to help out. Thank you to all who donated to help support Home
Sweet Home.
Literature has sold iced coffee at 3 events and HOTH has yet to bring in the
money that was raised to help support ASC literature. The money was seeded so
we are waiting to get the money that was raised. As of right now we anticipate

that on November 24th we should have all the money counted for to help our
literature with funds.
Carolyn brought it to the group’s attention that our voice might not be heard
anywhere but at our own ASC meeting. Our RCM hasn’t been to Region for the
last 2 months and we will lose our spot and voice at Region if we miss another
Dennis D said he will reach out to our RCM to see what is going on. If the
situation isn’t resolved Dennis will attend the meeting through zoom if Gene
T. is not able to so we can keep our seat at Region.
Dennis M. brought in a proposal stating to obtain conscience from other groups
of using half of the upcoming Ride 4 Recovery donation ($700.00) to be used
towards ASC literature inventory Restock
Group agreed and we will get the Groups conscious of how the money should be
Ending reports: 7th tradition $285.50
Literature $446.80
New operating balance $1184.92