For Review (unapproved)

15 December 2024

Meeting called to order at 1:03 pm with serenity prayer
12 Traditions read by Roy W.
12 Concepts read by Brandi S.
Monthly Concept read by Danny
New GSRs : Danny for Members Only, Shawna for Spiritual Reality, Butch for
H.O.T.H., and Tessie for keeping it Real Candle Light Meeting
Visitors : Eric
Clean Time Anniversaries : Gene T. 20 yrs. Dec. 11th , Butch 90 days

ASC Chair Dennis D. : Hey guys it has been a short time since we last met and
I don’t have much to report. I did reach out to the Quincy group and they
should be in attendance via zoom today. Hope everyone is preparing well for
the holiday and that everyone is looking forward to our New Year’s Eve bash.
ASC Vice Chair : OPEN
ASC Treasure Sara N. :Beginning Balance: $3199.50
7 th Tradition $648.08
Literature $484.40
Total Deposits $1267.50

ASC Vice Treasure Bob B. : Absent
ASC Secretary Natalie K. : Next week I will be going into Tri Counties bank to
setup the profile that is needed to proceed to the next step
ASC Literature Chair Kevin K. : incoming $632.30 outgoing $627.64
ASC Vice Literature Chair Jesse J. : Absent
RCM 1 Gene T. : EMail
ASC Archivist Robert P. : No Report
ASC Activities Pam L. : there were two newcomers at our last meeting which was
12/12/24. We do not have an area donation this month but we will after our New
Year’s event for January 2025. Greater Butte Area Activities now has
guidelines and will turn in a copy to the ASC. Balance forwarded from last
month was $1375.00. Food was purchased for the next event at the amount of
$286.34. $60 was paid in rent for our meeting space for the next 4 months.
These months include December, January, February, and March. The current
balance is $1066.66. We have a tentative date for another event which will
include capture the flag 3/15/25. Bob B. and PamL. will both be attending the
business meeting after Area on January 26th.
ASC Public Relations Sedona : Public relations guidelines were emailed to
Natalie and were emailed out to everybody to be reviewed . We still need two
men to be of service at the Salvation Army the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 7 PM.
We are looking into creating a position to coordinate sponsorship behind the
walls. We are having an event to raise money for literature for those who
can’t make it to a meeting. It’s called Feed your soul and buy a bowl. It will
be held Saturday, February 1. We are shooting for around 1 PM. Soup for lunch
and ice cream for dessert. We are considering doing a soup making competition.
Please reach out to anybody on the public relations committee if you are
interested in donating a pot of soup and competing. Place and exact time
TAC Liaison Angie : Nothing to report our next meeting is in the 21st

Ride 4 Recovery Liaison Tracy H. : Got Check to Sara N. Looking for donations
from Butte Area for the Ride 4 Recoverys next event in 2025
Guidelines Committee Dennis M. : We had a scheduled meeting for December
1st that required postponement. The holiday schedule has rendered meeting
attendance difficult. Our next meeting scheduled will be held December 29th
Chico N.A. in Chico at 1:30pm. At that time, we will attempt to set a date and
time to have a second meeting in January before the January ASC meeting.
We have decided to release handwritten progress of completed sections for
review by the service body; that any feedback may be addressed in committee
before a final set is presented for approval. We have completed our
recommendations for revision of Section I Functions of the ASC; which will be
distributed today. Also, Section II Operational Guidelines are almost
complete; yet after the discussion of financing at the November ASC meeting,
our committee has decided to deliberate more extensively about the
financial/budgetary revisions after receiving additional information
forthcoming from the ASC.
Please, review our suggested recommendations for revision of the ASC Function
section in the meantime.
Thank you for allowing us to serve;
Dennis M.

Bidwell Tracy H. : Absent
Burning Desire David R. : Burning Desire has a good meeting attendance.
However, extra support is always welcomed. We couldn’t donate to Area because
we had to pay rent.
Chico N.A. Jerimiah K. : Jan. 5th Activities service structure elections 10:30
at CNA hall
Foothill N.A. Roy W. : Going along pretty good. Got a new person and a couple,
so things are looking up.

Home Sweet Home Satrina W. : Absent
Hope on The Hill Butch W. : Friday night meeting having pizza and Friday Noon
meeting is having soup and sandwiches. We give our newcomers a basic text.
H.P.O.N.A. Karissa M. : Just want to thank Dennis for the local secretary
workshop! We learned so much! We could use support for our night meetings if
able. Chili cook off and birthday night 1/25/25 at 4pm.
Members Only Danny : Meetings going strong. Third week is Birthday Night with
coins and speakers. If the facility is ever closed we will try to notify
everyone that we can before our regular meeting time. We have been in the same
location for 20 yrs.
Paradise Monday Night Tiffy S. : Hi family! Meeting is going well! Third
Monday of the month is nibble night. Please bring a snack, finger food to
share if you are able. We always have more than enough food! Elections were
held last Monday at the business meeting. All positions were filled. Merry
Christmas, thank you for always allowing me to be of service!
Tuesday Night Book Study Mike H. : Meeting is going well! Studying the Green
and gold I.W.H.W.. We could use a GSR.
Paradise Wednesday Night I.W.H.W. Realeen : absent report given by Pam:
meeting is going well, we have a $20 donation for ASC.
Peace in the Pines (in person) Brandi S. : Great meeting, step working guide
study. Come and check it out!
Peace in the Pines (online) Womens Carolyn P. : The meeting is currently small
but mighty! In the spirit of transparency I spoke to our meeting about taking
a regional service commitment and what that would mean to my GSR position.
After discussion they decided to give me their blessing and encouragement to
move forward as their GSR while serving the Regional Service Office Board.
Spiritual Reality Shawna S. : Everything is going well. We welcome support.
Quincy Group TJ : Mondays at 12pm 260 county hospital road, open meeting basic
text, Thursday at 6pm United Methodist church 282 Jackson St. (2nd floor enter
at corner of church and high st.), Saturday at 9am United Methodist church 282
Jackson St. (2nd floor enter at corner of church and high st.), Sunday at 5pm

United Methodist church 282 Jackson St. (2nd floor enter at corner of church
and high st.)
Keeping it Real Tessie W. : Tonight will be our first meeting.
Chico VA N.A. Andrew : Absent
Dismissed for break at 2:10pm
Meeting called back to order at 2:27 pm with serenity prayer
Minutes are approved

Old Business
Open Positions
ASC Vice Chair : Open
ASC Vice Treasure : Open
RMC 2 : Open

Natalie K. Requalified for Secretary position. Vote was called and all are in
favor. Natalie K. will be secretary for another year.
Dannis D. Requalified for Chair position. Vote was called and all are in
favor. Dennis D. will be Chair for another year.
Dennis M. Qualified for Vice Chair position. Vote was called and all are in
favor after discussion. Dennis M. will be our new ASC Vice Chair.

Open Forum
Activities Guidelines Discussion
Certain aspects were discussed on what needs to be changed like
formatting and certain wording.
Public Relations Guidelines Discussion

Took Guidelines straight from the P.R. template. Needs to have different
wording for vice Chair to Chair transition.
Side note : we need to make sure the wording for guidelines are geared towards
Consensus based decision making process instead of Robert’s rule of order.
All guidelines will be brought back next month to be approved after amendments
are made.
January 26th after the area meeting we will be having a budget meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:05 pm with serenity prayer.